The Museo del Prado is the largest and most famous art museum in Spain.
Located in central Madrid, it holds one of the world's major collections of European
art from the 12th to the 19th centuries. El Prado is also one of the most visited
and greatest museums of art in the world. At least one visit to El Prado is a must
on any art connoisseur’s grand tour.

Quick Info

From Monday to Saturday
9.45am - 7.30pm
Sundays and holidays
9.45am - 6.30pm

Collection free Access
From Monday to Saturday
6pm – 8pm
Sundays and holidays
5pm – 7p

Like Paris, Madrid is in the geographic heart of the country and all roads, trains and planes lead to Madrid. This is just as well as multiple visits to El Prado over a number of days or trips to Madrid is hard to avoid - the museum acts like a magnet.

Like Paris is to France , Madrid is in the geographic heart of Spain , where all roads, trains and planes lead to Madrid. This is just as well, as multiple visits to El Prado over a number of days or trips to Madrid is hard to avoid - the museum acts like a magnet.

Las Meninas by Velázquez is perhaps the best known work on display. Velázquez was also responsible for bringing to Spain much of the museum's collection of Italian masters, now the largest outside of Italy.

El Prado, with Thyssen-BornemiszaMuseum and the Museo Reina Sofía, forms Madrid's Golden Triangle of Art. All three museums are within a short walking distance of each other and are all included on Art Camino’s Grand Tour agenda.

The Collection

The Collection
Its collection was originally based on the Spanish Royal Collection of the Habsburg Kings, which was and still is the best single collection of Spanish art in the world. The collection has been constantly added to since the museum was founded. Today, with a large private bequest under its control specifically given for art acquisition, El Prado is one of the world’s major purchasers of important art.

The museum displays numerous works by Francisco de Goya, the single most extensively represented artist. There are also many works by Diego Velázquez, The collection also includes important works by El Greco, Titian, Peter Paul Rubens, Hieronymus Bosch, Albrecht Dürer, Rogier van der Weyden, Bartolomé Murillo, Fra Angelico and many other important artists.

The collection currently comprises around 8,000 paintings, 1,000 sculptures, prints and drawings plus a large collection of other works of art and historic documents.

About 1,400 works are typically displayed in the main buildings, while several thousand are on loan to other museums around the world at any one time.

The famed masterpieces, all of which are essential inclusions in Art Camino’s Grand Tour Catalog, include

Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights
Dürer, Self-portrait
El Greco, Knight with his Hand on his Breast
Fra Angelico, Annunciation
Goya, The Family of Charles IV
Goya, The Two Majas
Mantegna, The Death of the Virgin
Murillo, Virgin of the Rosary
Rafael, The Cardinal
Raphael, The Holy Family, known as ‘La Perla’
Rembrandt, Judith
Ribera, Jacob-Dream
Rubens, The Three Graces
Tintoretto, Christ Washing the Disciples’ Feet
Titian, Charles V at Mülhberg
Van der Weyden, The Descent from the Cross
Van der Weyden, The Virgin and Child
Velázquez, Crucifiction
Velázquez, Las Meninas
Velázquez, Surrender of Breda